Did You Know Cucumber Reduces Pimples?

Acne, also called pimple, is a skin condition caused by dead skin cells, hormonal changes and bacteria actions on the oily pores in the skin. It occurs mainly on the face, neck, shoulder, back and chest region, especially during menstrual periods, pregnancy and early teenage years. If not controlled, acne can affect a lady’s self-esteem.



Cucumber is a natural astringent. Astringents are substances that absorb oil from the skin, remove dirt and reduce bacteria effects on the skin.

A journal article published in Pubmed explains that when the body is exposed to sun rays and some environmental pollutants, free radicals are produced. These radicals can damage cellular components on the skin leading to various diseases.

However, studies have shown that a maximum amount of antioxidant is needed to neutralise the effect of these radicals on the skin. Cucumber, on the other hand, contains vitamins A, C and E which are rich antioxidants.

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Another essential ingredient in cucumber, amino acids, contains collagen which nourishes the skin and hides dark spots.


Blend a considerate amount of cucumber to extract its juice.

Rub the cucumber extract on the affected area and allow for 30 minutes to dry off, but for a perfect result, consider leaving it overnight.


Wash gently with purified water.

Repeat the action daily, not more than four times a week.

Warning: Don’t use if you have a dry skin else you might incur skin breakage. The main function of cucumber is to absorb oil, neutralise bacteria action in the skin pores.


Published by HealingLabs

A mental and emotional healing site. HealingLabs helps women and girls overcome emotional pain and trauma; build strong and healthy personal, marital, communal as well as professional relationship. Our aim is to ensure all females live peacefully and free from violence and trauma.

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